The Book of Em: The Last Gatekeeper, by Richard Brant, is probably one of the most creative fairy tales I have read in a very long time. It is a tale about a boy named Ben who finds himself enveloped into a world called Em filled with fairies, trolls, goblins, orcs, centaurs and pretty much any other magical creature you can imagine.

The beginning moves at a slower pace, with portions that go into great depths of history weaved throughout the story, but then quickly dives into the life of Ben and the beautiful world of Em. Ben has a mother who sacrificed everything for him and a stepdad who is a wife-beating drunk who would do anything to get his luscious, high-dollar lifestyle back even if it meant killing Ben and his mom in the process. Everything changes for Ben when he discovers Cree, a kick-butt fairy with green hair, and a world that could be even more dangerous than his own.

The story between Cree and Ben is such a breath of fresh air! It is sweet, romantic, and I felt like Brant did a wonderful job capturing just the right amount of flirtatious banter. I found myself constantly rooting for Cree and Ben, both in their missions in Em as well as them as a couple. It is really a love-tale you just have to experience for yourself.

Brant has a wonderful tone that keeps the reader engaged and the world he has created is something that I was definitely not expecting when I first began reading, but everything I hoped it would be and more. This magical adventure is a must read!

Star Rating Report Card:

4.71 Stars out of 5
1) Were the characters believable?
★★★★★ – 5 stars
2) Did you like the characters?
★★★★★ – 5 stars
3) Does the story move at a good pace?
★★★★ – 4 stars
4) Are there holes in the plot?
★★★★★ – 5 stars
5) Is there conflict?
★★★★★ – 5 stars
6) Is the point-of-view consistent?
★★★★ – 4 stars
7) Did you enjoy the story overall?
★★★★★ – 5 stars

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